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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - dry


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~1 adj comparative driersuperlative driest 1 »NOT WET« without water or liquid inside or on the surface  (The floor was made of hard dry earth. | The paint isn't dry yet - be careful! | Can you check if the washing's dry? | shake/rub/wipe sth dry)  (Give it to me and I'll wipe it dry. | as dry as a bone (=very dry)) 2 »WEATHER« having very little rain or moisture  (The air was dry, and the sun beat down fiercely. | the dry season) 3 run/go dry if a lake, river etc runs dry, all the water gradually disappears, especially because there has been no rain 4 »HUMOUR« someone with a dry sense of humour pretends to be serious when they are really joking 5 »THIRSTY« informal thirsty  (I'm really dry - do you have any orange juice?) 6 dry mouth/skin/lips etc without enough of the liquid that is normally in your mouth etc  (I felt nervous and dizzy and my mouth was dry.) 7 dry cough a cough which does not produce any phlegm (1) 8 »SPEECH/WRITING« boring  (I found the lecture dry and uninspired. | as dry as dust (=very boring)) 9 dry wine/sherry etc wine etc that is not sweet  (dry white wine) 10 dry bread bread eaten on its own without butter, jam1 (1) etc 11 »TOWN/COUNTRY« not allowing any alcohol to be sold there  (There are still some dry states in the US.) 12 »VOICE« showing no emotion 13 not a dry eye in the house often humorous used to say that everyone was crying because something was very sad  (- see also drip­dry) - dryly, drily adv - dryness n ~2 v to make something dry or become dry  (My boots haven't dried yet. | dry sth)  (Sit up and dry your eyes.)  (- see also cut and dried, dried) dry off phr v to become dry or make something dry, especially on the surface  (It was lovely being able to swim and then dry off in the sun. | cry sth off)  (Put the washing near the fire to dry it off.) dry out phr v 1 to become or make something completely dry after it has been very wet  (dry sth out)  (Dry your anorak out on the radiator.) 2 to stop drinking alcohol after you have become an alcoholic dry up phr v 1 »RIVER/LAKE ETC« if something such as a river dries up, the water in it disappears  (During the drought all the reservoirs dried up. | dry sth up)  (The sun has completely dried up the soil and the crops are dying.) 2 »SUPPLY OF STH« to come to an end and have no more available  (The research is finishing because the money's dried up.) 3 »PLATES/DISHES ETC« to rub dry with a cloth  (dry sth up)  (Would you mind drying up the supper things?) 4 dry up! spoken used to angrily tell someone to be quiet, especially when they are complaining about something  (Just dry up! I'm enjoying the film even if you're not!) 5 »STOP TALKING« to stop talking because you have forgotten what you were going to say or what you should say when speaking or acting
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  (drier, or dryer, driest, dries, drying, dried) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is dry, there is no water or moisture on it or in it. Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth... Pat it dry with a soft towel... Once the paint is dry, apply a coat of the red ochre emulsion paint... ? wet, damp ADJ • dryness ...the parched dryness of the air. N-UNCOUNT 2. When something dries or when you dry it, it becomes dry. Leave your hair to dry naturally whenever possible... Wash and dry the lettuce... VERB: V, V n 3. When you dry the dishes after a meal, you wipe the water off the plates, cups, knives, pans, and other things when they have been washed, using a cloth. Mrs. Madrigal began drying dishes. = wipe VERB: V n • Dry up means the same as dry. (BRIT) He got up and stood beside Julie, drying up the dishes while she washed. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 4. If you say that your skin or hair is dry, you mean that it is less oily than, or not as soft as, normal. Nothing looks worse than dry, cracked lips... ? greasy ADJ • dryness Dryness of the skin can also be caused by living in centrally heated homes and offices. N-UNCOUNT 5. If the weather or a period of time is dry, there is no rain or there is much less rain than average. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production... ? wet ADJ 6. A dry place or climate is one that gets very little rainfall. ...a hot, dry climate where the sun is shining all the time. = arid ? wet ADJ: usu ADJ n • dryness He was advised to spend time in the warmth and dryness of Italy. N-UNCOUNT 7. In the dry means in a place or at a time that is not damp, wet, or rainy. (mainly BRIT) Such cars, however, do grip the road well, even in the dry. ? wet N-SING: the N, usu in N 8. If a river, lake, or well is dry, it is empty of water, usually because of hot weather and lack of rain. ADJ 9. If an oil well is dry, it is no longer...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (drier; also ~er; driest; also ~est)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~?ge; akin to Old High German truckan ~, Old English dreahnian to drain  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. free or relatively free from a liquid and especially water  b. not being in or under water ~ land  c. lacking precipitation or humidity a ~ climate  2.  a. characterized by exhaustion of a supply of liquid a ~ well  b. devoid of running water a ~ ravine  c. devoid of natural moisture my throat was ~  d. no longer sticky or damp the paint is ~  e. not giving milk a ~ cow  f. lacking freshness ; stale  g. anhydrous  3.  a. marked by the absence or scantiness of secretions a ~ cough  b. not shedding or accompanied by tears a ~ sob  4. obsolete involving no bloodshed or drowning I would fain die a ~ death — Shakespeare  5.  a. marked by the absence of alcoholic beverages a ~ party  b. prohibiting the manufacture or distribution of alcoholic beverages a ~ county  6. served or eaten without butter or margarine ~ toast  7.  a. lacking sweetness ; sec ~ champagne  b. having all or most sugar fermented to alcohol a ~ wine ~ beer  8.  a. solid as opposed to liquid ~ groceries  b. reduced to powder or flakes ; dehydrated ~ milk  9. functioning without lubrication a ~ clutch  10. of natural gas containing no recoverable hydrocarbon (as gasoline)  11. requiring no liquid in preparation or operation a ~ photocopying process  12.  a. not showing or communicating warmth, enthusiasm, or tender feeling ; severe a ~ style of painting  b. wearisome, uninteresting ~ passages of description  c. lacking embellishment ; plain the ~ facts  13.  a. not yielding what is expected or desired ; unproductive a writer going through a ~ spell  b. having no personal bias or emotional concern the ~ light of reason  c. reserved, aloof  14. marked by matter-of-fact, ironic, or terse manner of expression a ~ wit  15. lacking smooth sound qualities a ~ rasping voice  16....
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., v., & n. --adj. (drier; driest) 1 free from moisture, not wet, esp.: a with any moisture having evaporated, drained, or been wiped away (the clothes are not dry yet). b (of the eyes) free from tears. c (of a climate etc.) with insufficient rainfall; not rainy (a dry spell). d (of a river, well, etc.) dried up; not yielding water. e (of a liquid) having disappeared by evaporation etc. f not connected with or for use without moisture (dry shampoo). g (of a shave) with an electric razor. 2 (of wine etc.) not sweet (dry sherry). 3 a meagre, plain, or bare (dry facts). b uninteresting; dull (dry as dust). 4 (of a sense of humour, a joke, etc.) subtle, ironic, and quietly expressed; not obvious. 5 (of a country, of legislation, etc.) prohibiting the sale of alcoholic drink. 6 (of toast, bread, etc.) without butter, margarine, etc. 7 (of provisions, groceries, etc.) solid, not liquid (dry goods). 8 impassive, unsympathetic; hard; cold. 9 (of a cow etc.) not yielding milk. 10 colloq. thirsty or thirst-making (feel dry; this is dry work). 11 Polit. colloq. of or being a political 'dry'. --v. (dries, dried) 1 tr. & intr. make or become dry by wiping, evaporation, draining, etc. 2 tr. (usu. as dried adj.) preserve (food etc.) by removing the moisture (dried egg; dried fruit; dried flowers). 3 intr. (often foll. by up) Theatr. colloq. forget one's lines. 4 tr. & intr. (often foll. by off) cease or cause (a cow etc.) to cease yielding milk. --n. (pl. dries) 1 the process or an instance of drying. 2 sl. a politician, esp. a Conservative, who advocates individual responsibility, free trade, and economic stringency, and opposes high government spending. 3 a (prec. by the) esp. Austral. colloq. the dry season. b Austral. a desert area, waterless country. 4 a dry ginger ale. b dry wine, sherry, etc. Phrases and idioms dry battery Electr. an electric battery consisting of dry cells. dry cell Electr. a cell in which the electrolyte is absorbed in a solid and cannot be spilled. dry-clean clean (clothes etc.) with organic solvents without...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) засуха 2) высыхание сохнуть, высыхать; сушить; высушивать сухой; безводный 3) жёсткий (напр. о бетонной смеси) 4) засушливый район to dry out — высыхать; to dry until tack-free — сушить (краску) до отлипа ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) безводный, обезвоженный, сухой 2) сухой, засушливый 3) богарный 4) сушильный 5) высыхать, пересыхать 6) высушивать 7) сушить; засушивать 8) обезвоживать; осушать 9) досуха, насухо dry to the touch — сухой на ощупь dry to stiff concrete — высушивать бетон до схватывания to pave dry — мостить посуху to wipe dry — вытирать насухо ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) сухое состояние 2) сушь; засуха • - dry cargo - dry dock - dry goods - dry rot 2. прил. 1) сухой 2) засушливый 3) пересохший 3. гл. 1) сушить(ся), сохнуть 2) высыхать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) сушить; высушивать; сухой; высохший; обезвоженный 2) засушливый; сухой 3) яловая (о самке животного) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сушь; засуха 2. сухая погода 3. сухость 4. суша 5. ам. разг. сторонник запрещения спиртных напитков; сторонник сухого закона 6. стр. сухая кладка 7. рига, овин 8. сухой dry clothing —- сухая одежда dry bread —- сухой хлеб dry wash —- выстиранное и высушенное (но не глаженное) белье with dry eyes —- без слез to rub smth. dry —- вытереть что-л. насухо to wring linen dry —- тщательно (почти досуха) выжать белье to be kept dry —- держать в сухом месте, предохранять от влаги (указание об условиях хранения изделия) 9. сухой, не обмочившийся my child was dry at two years —- мой ребенок просился на горшок с двух лет 10. спец. сухой dry ice —- сухой лед dry steam —- сухой пар dry weight —- сухой вес, вес без заправки dry assay —- сухая проба, сухой анализ dry battery —- сухая электрическая батарея 11. лишенный влаги, жидкости; обезвоженный dry fountain-pen —- авторучка без чернил dry weight —- вес высушенного материала dry concrete —- стр. жесткий бетон 12. ненамазанный, без масла, джема и т. п. dry toast —- гренок без масла 13. работающий всухую; несмазанный dry joint —- тех. притертое соединение dry masonry —- стр. кладка без раствора, сухая кладка dry walling —- стр. сухая кладка стен 14. засушливый, сухой dry year —- засушливый год dry summer —- сухое лето 15. сухой (о воздухе и...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  land суша DRY goods noun мануфактура, галантерея DRY farming noun безырригационная обработка земли (в засушливых районах) DRY facts голые факты DRY distillation сухая перегонка, возгонка DRY death смерть без пролития крови DRY light непредубежденный взгляд (на вещи) DRY wall noun constr. стена сухой кладки DRY cell сухая электрическая батарея DRY canteen войсковая лавка без продажи (с продажей) спиртных напитков DRY bread  а) хлеб без масла  б) засохший хлеб DRY battery сухая электрическая батарея DRY  1. adj.  1) сухой - dry cough - dry bread - dry masonry - dry cell - dry battery  2) сухой, высохший (о колодце)  3) засушливый  4) сухой, несладкий (о вине)  5) coll. испытывающий жажду (о человеке)  6) сухой, скучный, неинтересный dry book - скучная книга  7) холодный; сдержанный; бесстрастный dry humour - сдержанный юмор  8) amer. антиалкогольный, запрещающий продажу спиртных напитков - dry town - go dry  9) mil. учебный - dry shot - dry cow - dry death - dry facts - dry light hes not even dry behind the ears у него еще молоко на губах не обсохло Syn: crisp, dehumidified, dehydrated, desiccated, dried, parched Ant: damp, deliquescent, moist, soggy, wet  2. noun  1) засуха; сушь; сухая погода  2) суша  3) amer. сторонник запрещения спиртных напитков  3. v.  1) сушить(ся), сохнуть, высыхать (тж. dry off) Come and dry off in from of this fire. to dry herbs - сушить...
Англо-русский словарь
  chat abbr. Don't Repeat Yourself ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. dryge (adj.), drygan (v.), from P.Gmc. *draugiz. Of humor, 1542; of places prohibiting alcoholic drink, 1887. Of the two n. spellings, drier is the older (1528), while dryer (1874) was first used of machines. Dry goods (1708) were those measured out in dry, not liquid, measure. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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